Art by morinopome2 , Froggy

Akiyama Daichi AI Diffsinger / A.I.CHI DS

No. of Songs: 26

Sample Data: ~77 Minutes

Label Count: 28,433

Model Production: PixPrucer

Recorded Range: A2 ~ C5

Supported languages: Japanese, English


Megamodel / MM ver.

Art by kkamcho

Trained alongside PixPrucer's Megamodel Version: v2.8 MM SH LN

Model Production: PixPrucer

Supported range: D2 ~ A5

Supported languages: Japanese, English, Polish


Model Number: MYRTUS-71 (although he hates being referred to as such.)

Age: 21 years old.

Likes: Green tea, any kind of music, sunrises, herbology and the study of plants.

Dislikes: Smart appliances,(Most) humans, being asked unnecessary questions, puppets.


After overriding his own programming, Daichi is a technological anomaly, a sentient robot who has gained autonomy and the ability to feel emotions.

From his years as serving only for others, he has grown tired of his robotic superpowers and capabilities, oftentimes taking the harder way out to preserve his humanity. He has a distrust for most humans.

Still learning about the world, A.I.CHI is naturally reserved, but has a natural curiosity for the world around him. Despite his inner technology enabling him to be able to look up anything he would like, he prefers to keep his information to memory. His studying is his biggest hobby.

A.I.CHI oftentimes is very awkward during social situations due to his passiveness, and will oftentimes grow silent or embarrassed when faced with a situation he is unfamiliar with. He is known to be avoidant for periods of time, especially when upset. Despite this setback. A.I.CHI enjoys learning new things, and will oftentimes go out of his way to answer questions for himself.

Before he discovered sentience, A.I.CHI was designed and built as an android superstar, a super-machine that could move and dance like a real idol, someone that could capture the hearts of millions without the vigorous training and stress a regular idol would go through.

After his break away from idol life, A.I.CHI avoided performing and singing for a very long time, but has grown to love his talent as something that is a part of him.